I didn't know Nicole Richie was such a good dancer.
But seriously, I hope you have a fun Halloween. Give out some decent stuff, too. Don't give out candycorn, or the non-descript candy wrapped in solid orange or solid black wrappers. Forget the raisins, the popcorn balls, and homemade peanut brittle. There's a simple formula to giving out good Halloween candy. Name-brand, chocolate themed candy bars. Snickers, Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Reese's Cups, Milky Way, etc. This shouldn't be that difficult to accomplish.

Have you seen "Lazytown"? A tad bizarre. Imaginative and ambitious, but a tad bizarre.We'll bundle up Sarah in some blankets and bring her along in a stroller. Maybe we'll put an alien mask on her and dress her up as baby Suri. I'll try to round up some pictures one of these days.

I'll just be dressed up in the same costume I wear every day -- overworked, underpaid radio host.
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