It's just not a conversation we're ready to have right now.
And, when we all sit down as a family to watch one of the few shows that is family-friendly -- save for the few times when words like "bitch" are uttered, or others are bleeped out -- conversations about why women, or men, would marry each other isn't at the top of my list of things-I'd-like-to-do-while-watching-the-show.
Hey, I have no problem with homosexuality, especially when it involves two women, I just didn't want to deal with the awkwardness each time these two would embrace, kiss, or talk about how much they loved each other.
I understand that much of what drives the program is showing the tension, communication skills, and ability to work together within each of the teams of two, but I think CBS overdid it a bit with these two.
And, if the network is going to continue to show kissing and embracing between married lesbians on future teams, couldn't the casting department give us a hotter couple?
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