There's no doubt that George is one of the all-time greats, and I've included some of my favorite clips from his career below.
There are dozens of clips out there. These are just a few.
I've been a Carlin fan since I was a teenager, when I wore out an old 8-track of one of his routines from the 70's. Was always fond of his take on the persistence of farts, and his classic observance, "If you have 24 odds and ends on a table and 23 of them fall off, what do you have, an odd or an end?"
My favorite Carlin special was 1996's Back In Town. Funny as hell, and you gotta just love the way the show starts, with Carlin jogging to the theater from across the street, and literally hitting the stage running. He just absolutely kills for 60 minutes.
And by the way, what does it take, 5 steps to go from the sidewalk to the stage at The Beacon?
The opening segment from that special is the first clip below. The other parts of the special can be found by clicking on these links. Part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, and part 7.
Obviously, all of these clips contain most, if not all of those darn seven dirty words, and a few other choice ones, too, so grab the earmuffs for the kiddies, and don't let the boss listen.
Back In Town Part 1
Other classic Carlin...
Saving The Planet
Baseball vs. Football
Common Experiences
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