I was just seven years old at the time, and even though this was my first go-around of an NFL season, I knew two things already...the Eagles were heartbreakers (they blew the wildcard game that season 14-13 in Atlanta as their kicker -- the immortal Mike Michel -- not only missed his first extra point attempt, but also pulled a game winning 34-yard field goal in the final seconds, as Atlanta rallied from down 13-0 with two touchdowns in the final five minutes. On Christmas Eve. Thanks, Eagles for preparing me for the next thirty plus years of heartache), and the other thing I knew, I hated Dallas.
They were the defending champs, arrogant, "America's Team", and at the age of seven, I wasn't yet able to fully comprehend the power and glory of their best asset - the cheerleaders.
So, the Steelers were the clear cut team to root for. As the old -- and still current -- saying goes, my two favorite teams are the Eagles, and whoever plays the Cowboys.

But there was something magical about Steelers-Cowboys. From what I had heard, they played a great Super Bowl X (links can be found later in the post), and they were, along with Dallas, the two best teams of the late 70's.
So, on this early morning of Super Bowl 44 (can't even figure out the roman numerals for it), it never hurts to take a look back at some of the earlier games, and appreciate what came before the big spectacle we're about to get today.
If you don't have the time to sit through, and sift through the links below, Hulu has recently added the NFL Network to its library, where you can find old Super Bowl Highlight videos. Classic stuff.
Part one of Super Bowl XIII is below. Amazingly, it hasn't been pulled by the NFL. For the rest of the game, plus other Steeler Super Bowl wins, go here and either do a search, or scroll thru this fine gentleman's selection of videos.
If you're a football fan, it's worth it.
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