It's still hard to believe the amount of money, or worse yet, the number of victims, involved in the California abuse case that settled earlier this week.
From the Associated Press...
As abuse victims sobbed in the courtroom, a judge approved a $660 million settlement yesterday between the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles and 508 people who had filed suit over sexual abuse by clergy members.
The settlement in the nation’s largest Roman Catholic diocese is considered a landmark because the legal battle endured for more than four years, and because the sum is more than six times larger than any previous deal struck by a diocese.
508 cases?!?! Wow.
Now, I'm not going to spend a lot of time, or space, going over the details of this case, whether or not Cardinal Mahony dragged his feet trying to get a settlement, or tried to cover things up, etc. But after countless amounts of cases involving sexual abuse, week after week, month after month, and year after year, I'd just like to offer a suggestion:
Umm, I think it's time to ease back a little bit more on the whole "celibacy" thing.
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