A+ on the pose, too.
Being a parent is exhausting. Keeping up with our seven year old, Megan, and now Sarah -- who just within the last couple of weeks has begun to master the art of crawling -- leaves both my wife and I fatigued, as all parents reading this can empathize.
But, it's also something that I wouldn't trade for anything, as all parents reading this can empathize.
Kudos to Megan, too, for being such a great big sister. She loves playing with Sarah, and the feeling is mutual, as Sarah is constantly giggling at whatever crazy thing Megan is doing.
I appreciate the interest some of the listeners have taken in the girls. I'm always getting calls asking how they're doing, hoping I'll talk about them more on the show, etc. Considering I'm one that really doesn't care much about anyone else's kids -- sorry, just the way it is -- the fact that so many are interested in mine does mean a lot to me and my wife.
For those that want to see a few more pics...
Sarah sporting the "I just got up" hair.
Daddy and the girls on the couch.
One of our many "Sister, Sister" pics
Here's one of Sarah where I think she's thinking, "Put down the camera, Dad, and get me more Cheerios and banana...NOW!"
And, since I wasn't around the computer a whole lot while we were on vacation -- during Megan's birthday -- here's a belated birthday wish to our seven-year old future heartbreaker. This is her in the backyard moments before getting freaked out after seeing a Cicada on the swingset.
Happy Birthday, girls!
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