Christmas day was thrown out of whack because a few days prior, my dad started to run a high fever, and after a trip to the hospital, was diagnosed with Viral Meningitis, always a crowd favorite.
So, getting together with my family would have to wait a few days while he recovered -- and the good news, is he's almost back to 100%.
Also, by Christmas day, the sizeable amount of snow that had accumulated throughout the month of December had melted, and although Tuesday's mild temperatures felt nice, it didn't feel like Christmas at all.
Even Christmas Eve was strange. Normally, we get together with my in-laws and do gifts with them on that day, but since my wife and I both had to work on Monday, we decided to move events up a day, so we'd have more time to spend with her family. We did gifts, etc. on Sunday, the 23rd.
But, things are turning around. With my dad feeling better, and all of our schedules cooperating, we are getting together on Sunday the 30th for our family Christmas. Yes, the numbers will be out in full force this weekend.
Plus, since we're doing this on a different day than Christmas, my brother's fiance gets to share in the experience with us, which will be fun for us, potentially frightening for her.
Hopefully, for my brother's sake, it's not a deal breaker.
And, as I'm typing this, we're getting 3-5 inches of snow, with temperatures cold enough over the weekend that none of this stuff is melting anytime soon.
So while this December 30th might not have the global impact of December 30th, 2006, I know my family can't wait to get things started.

I'd better test it to make sure it's still good.
Excuse me, I need to go reacquaint Mr. Egg Nogg with Mr. Dark Rum.
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