Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Batting Stances

Hats off to this Dave Attell look-alike, who has posted several videos on Youtube of his imitations of batting stances past and present. He handles Phillies' batting stances in the video above.

His videos first surfaced several months ago, and after taking requests, more have been added lately. The guy is really good, and as good as the current day imitations are, it's always nice to see him go old school with a Cecil Cooper, Rudy Law, or Mickey Tettleton.

I got a kick out of his Brewers video. As a kid that played wiffle ball quite often in the early '80's, I can remember doing my own Cooper stance during games with my friends. Ben Ogilvie, Don Money, and Robin Yount were some of my favorites.

I recall the Dodgers being another team we used during those games. For some reason, the name Ken Landreaux is popping into my head.

The games would consist of me, and a buddy, playing one-on-one wiffle ball, with different spots in the yard representing different things: outs, singles, doubles, etc.

We actually kept a box score, and would put the major league players in order, and imitate their stances.

In an unrealted story, we weren't very popular with girls.

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