So, even though it's looking more and more like Brett Favre is coming out of retirement to play this year, the one team he won't be playing for is Green Bay.
Which means, Aaron Rodgers -- on the left in the photo above -- would finally get his chance to take over the Packers offense.
And by the way, which of the two guys above looks like the almost-40-year-old grizzled veteran with well over 200 games of abuse levied against his body, and which one looks like the up-and-comer with a gleam in his eye knowing he's about to become a full-time NFL starter?
Seriously, Rodgers looks like he should be the captain of a Deadliest Catch ship. Has he been shipwrecked for a few years? Could this guy really only be 24 years old??
The main reason I'm blogging about Favre is that back on April Fools' Day, my newsman, Jay Capron, came up with the idea of doing an April Fools' gag on my radio show audience -- a longtime tradition -- of saying that Favre was coming out of retirement...to play for the Bears, the hometown team for my audience.

We never went all that deep into the scenario, considering that Favre is still Packers' property, and that barring a trade, the possibility of him coming to the Bears would be slim at best.
So, now Favre has asked that he be released by the Packers, who seem to be ready to now move on without him. Could our April Fools' gag actually come true? Well, if he's released, he'd be free to sign with whatever team wanted to sign him. However, considering the Bears lack of firepower on offense, it would be highly unlikely that Favre would opt for a Chicago comeback.
In fact the odds of Favre signing a deal with the Bears are about as long as the odds of the Blackhawks and Redwings playing at Wrigley Field on New Year's Day.
Oh, wait...
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