The clip below is from that show, and it's his comments on death, or at least some of our reactions to someone else's death. And yes, there are swear words, so prepare however you need to.
Hopefully the language doesn't get in the way of enjoying Carlin's work, which when he was on -- which was often -- was brilliant. And make sure your kids listen to him as well, when they reach whatever age you feel is right.

Hey, I was only 14.
Wait, that is still probably the bit that would make me laugh the most today, too.
Also loved this old favorite, "If you have 24 odds and ends on the table, and 23 of them fall off, what do you have, an odd or an end?"
Carlin was a master at dissecting the way we act, the way we live, and, especially, the way we talk. Some of my favorite Carlin bits involved words we use, expressions, phrases, emotions, and the analysis of why we say what we say when we say it.
He'll be most remembered for the Seven Dirty Words bit, and while that's not a bad thing, it's important to remember that his act was so much more than that.

I was fortunate enough to see him live on stage in Las Vegas back in 1997. Whether or not you've had that chance, spend a few minutes on Youtube today -- when the little kids, or boss aren't around -- and enjoy one of the all-time greats.
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