So the Bears win, advance to the Super Bowl, and surprisingly, I'm not too upset about it. Maybe I've matured as a sports fan. Maybe deep down I was glad to see the team that knocked my Eagles out of the playoffs eliminated as well. Maybe I was just dilusional after nearly slicing off my thumb trying to open a can of pizza sauce during the third quarter back at the Williams' compound.
Don't get me wrong, I was rooting for the Saints yesterday, and was upset that the Bears won. However, I got over it rather quickly. It's not as bad for me this time as it was in 1985 when I was SICK of the Bears and all of the coverage they were generating, in Chicago, and all over the country.
I can't imagine if the Patriots would have won yesterday as well. That would have left me with two teams I generally dislike in the Super Bowl. Usually every year, there is at least one team that I like more than another playing in the big game, but had New England won? Wow, that would have been tough.
I'm sick of the Patriots, too. They've won too many times, and always seem to make the big plays, etc. They're too good. I know, I'm just jealous of their success. So, that said, I was happy the Colts finally got over the hurdle and reached the Super Bowl. Great game to watch, too. As the final seconds were ticking down, I kept waiting for CBS to pan the crowd showing disgruntled Patriots fans. Since Dean Tambling was at the game, I was hoping for a shot of him sulking in his Tom Brady jersey.
Didn't happen.
So, in two weeks, I'll head to my brother's house for a day of card playing, beverage consumption, and football watching with him, and several of his friends. It will undoubtedly be a Bears room. My bro is an Eagles fan first and foremost, like me. But unlike me, he has warmed to the Bears over the years. Hard to blame him, since he was actually born in Illinois.

So I won't go too crazy with rage if the Bears win the Super Bowl. I won't show up at my brother's in a newly purchased Peyton Manning jersey, or even a Manning fake mustache or wig. I won't even cheer loudly if the Colts score, or make a big stop defensively, because I'd hate someone else to rub it in my face if my team was getting it handed to them.
Nope, in fact I may even lend some support to the hometown team this time around. You read that correctly. I very well may be rooting for the Bears. Why don't I just make a proclamtion right now concerning the Monsters of the Midway, and their big showdown with Indy in less than two weeks:
I'm picking the Bears...
to cover the +7.
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